Evolved Thinking Blog

The Employee Experience Report 2024

Written by Ben Griffiths | August 27, 2024

The Employee Experience Report is our second complimentary report about Australians' attitudes towards their work and workplaces. The following report is based on data from a nationally representative sample throughout the 2024 financial year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024).

Key Findings

According to our findings, happiness and engagement at work have both been decreasing, representing a substantial challenge for businesses. Our behavioral model suggests that inputs into workplace wellbeing, like physical energy, mental acuity, and emotional connection, feed into our engagement at work. This, in turn, determines desirable workplace outputs such as advocacy/eNPS, discretionary effort, and job fit.

  • Our collective engagement at work and our general outlook has dipped throughout FY24.
  • There is a clear association between our daily happiness levels and our engagement at work.
  • Physical energy and mental acuity are key drivers of success.
  • Those in creative fields, leaders, and people in smaller companies seem to thrive more than others.
  • Gen-Z and Millennials are more burned out than Gen-X and Boomers.

Workplace engagement benchmarks 2024

With an average engagement score of 70/100, engagement varies quite a bit from industry to industry.

Access our full complimentary EX report below:

This report is based on data collected through the Evolved Omnibus, a nationally representative tracking study that collects surveys from the PureProfile panel. The surveys are conducted throughout the year and cover a range of demographic groups.

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